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The RCI Digital Stage Presents: WHEN WE DREAM


Updated: Dec 15, 2020

An imaginary odyssey by Verena Koch and Kerstin Pell

The third show of our theatrical miniseries presented in partnership with The "Luceafărul" Theater in Iași is a story that follows the transformative journey of Felix, an 8-year-old boy dreaming big, who embarks on an imaginary odyssey at the end of which he discovers the true meaning of friendship and unconditional love.

The show, written by Verena Koch and Kerstin Pell, is a co-production of The ”Luceafărul” Theater for Children and Youth of Iași, and The German Cultural Center in Iași and brings together Romanian, Austrian and German artists. Writer-director Verena Koch studied at the University of Music and Theater in Frankfurt am Main and is currently an Associate Professor at Anton Bruckner University in Linz and a contributor to the Theatergruppe Malaria in Gallneukirchen and Landestheaters in Linz.

Live streaming on our Facebook page on Saturday, December 12 at 11 a.m. New York & Toronto time / 8 a.m. Los Angeles & Vancouver time. The recording will remain available on our page for 24 hours. (Please follow the link to watch.)


By Verena Koch and Kerstin Pell

Directed by: Verena Koch (Austria)

Scenography: Ute Lindenbeck (Germany)

Dramaturgy: Franz Huber (Austria)

Translation: Andrei Bogdan Stoleru

Video: Andrei Cozlac

Cast: Ioana Natalia Corban (Felix), Ileana Ocneanu (Mother), George Cocoș (Wolf), Claudiu Gălățeanu (Rooster), Ioana Iordache (Cat), Paul Sobolevschi (Donkey), Cătălin Cucu (Rumpelstiltskin, The Giant), Elena Zmuncilă (Red Riding Hood)

Performed in Romanian with English subtitles

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