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Ioana Stanca’s "I suddenly unfurled many eyes" at RCI’s Brâncuși Gallery

Updated: May 6, 2022

An intimate geography in constant transformation as a metaphor of the feminine self

Curated by Catinca Tăbăcaru March 25 – May 5, 2022

Opening Reception: March 25 | 7-9 PM Artist Talk: March 25 | 7 PM


The string of events devoted to some of Romania’s most original visual artists continues with a project by Ioana Stanca, which opens in the Brâncuși Gallery at the Romanian Cultural Institute in New York on March 25. Entitled ”I Suddenly Unfurled Many Eyes”, the exhibition, curated by Catinca Tăbăcaru, highlights the artist’s ingenious method and her unlikely choice of materials, which open up unexpected possibilities of interaction between the human body and the artifacts. Apart from a superb technical ability, the works, made primarily of textiles, illustrate the constant pursuit of a personal, intimate geography in constant transformation as a metaphor of the feminine self.

This new installation, made specifically for her New York debut, like a flexible macroscopic spider web, may be likened to a metaphorical reconstruction of the artist’s creative space, the fusion of her body and eye. Intimacy plays a central role, as does a certain era of womanhood. Equally delicate and strong, we encounter metal chains supporting the weight of soft sculptures and ceramic objects, fused together into a complex environment that draws in our fears and desires.

Ioana Stanca (b. 1987, Romania) studied at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Rome, Italy and at the National University of Arts in Bucharest. Ioana was a guest artist at AIR Futura, Karlin Studios in Prague (2018) and at the Staycation Symposium Bucharest organized by Catinca Tăbăcaru Gallery, Sandwich Gallery and CTG Collective (2020). She is the beneficiary of the Brătianu Scholarship offered by the Romanian Ministry of Culture (2020).

About the curator: Catinca Tăbăcaru founded her gallery in 2014 in New York City, from where she built an international reputation for discovering unique talent, taking risks, and mounting transformative site-enveloping exhibitions. In 2015, she began working in Harare, Zimbabwe where she built and opened the Gallery’s second location in 2017. In 2020, Catinca Tăbăcaru moved the Gallery’s primary exhibition space from NYC to Bucharest, Romania. This itinerant experience is reflected in the Gallery’s international program, which includes the representation of artists from 5 continents, a traveling residency program, and frequent participations in international biennials.

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Take a virtual tour of Ioana Stanca's Bucharest studio here:

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